Thursday, May 21, 2015

college word of the day... 5/21/15


Dictionary definition: the act of saluting. 

In my own words: giving respect 

2 familiar synonyms: bow, address

Using it in a sentence: After a play the audience gives an applause , and the cast salutes. 


Dictionary definition: an act of bidden farewell or taking leave.

In my own words: going away, goodbye.

2 familiar synonyms: breaking up, departure.

Using it in a sentence: My mom valediction from the airport to go to Las Vegas.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

college word of the day... 5/19/15


Dictionary definition: condition to the eye in which parallel rays are focused in front of the retina, objects being seen distinctly only when near to the eye 

In my own words: can only see up close 

2 familiar synonyms: blind side, blenders 

Using it in a sentence: My mom is myopia, and has to wear glasses when she drives.

Monday, May 18, 2015

College word of the day... 5/18/15


Dictionary definition: sharp or biting to the taste of smell

In my own words: gross smell you can taste it 

2 familiar synonyms: acid, stinging

Using it in a sentence: When you get spread by a skunk, its very acrid to your mouth. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

college word of the day... 5/15/15


Dictionary definition: full of shedding light

In my own words:  bight light

2 familiar synonyms:  shining, bright

Using it in a sentence: Some stars are luminous than other stars at night. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

college word of the day... 5/14/15


Dictionary definitions: to force or drive, especially to a course of action

In my own words: to force someone to do something

2 familiar synonyms: enforce, urge

Using it in a sentence: I compelled my little brother to clean his room, so I wouldn't get in trouble.

college word of the day... 5/13/15


Dictionary definition: to walk with a leisurely gait  

In my own words: to walk weird

2 familiar synonyms: mope, drift

Using it in a sentence: I sauntered around when I don't feel good. 

college word of the day... 5/12


large or bulky of body

fluffy people

fat, beefy

People that normally don't workout and just sit around are corpulent.

college words of the day 5/4/15-5/8/15


not allowing fluid to pass through

fluid blockage

water proof & water resistant

I hate impervious bandaids.


sad and disappointed

blue, down

I feel crestfallen during softball season, when it rains.

College word of the day... 4/28/15-5/1/15


Dictionary definition: wishing evil or harm to another or others 

In my own words: wanting someone to hurt

2 familiar synonyms: wicked, vicious 

Using it in a sentence: I have a friend that is very malevolent.


a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

religion doesn't let the practice go to someone else or other place

prohibition & veto

The foreign countries usually participate in Taboo.


so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing


insane & idiotic

My brother is ludicrous.


an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers

go against authority

riot & uprising

There was a mutiny over wages.

Friday, May 1, 2015

College word of the day... 4/27/15


Dictionary definition: understood without being openly expressed 

In my own words: not saying everything

2 familiar synonyms: indirect, not spoken directly

Using it in a sentence: When im in public and try to talk to my friend, I am very tacit so everyone doesnt know my business. 

College word of the day... 4/24/15


Dictionary definition: caused by or showing sincere remorse  

In my own words: sorrow 

2 familiar synonyms: regret, sorry

Using it in a sentence: I always fell contrite when people get hurt.